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- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Resource Tuner Demo Plug-In
- // (c)2001 by Yuri Rai/Heaventools ltd.
- // http://www.heaventools.com
- //
- // Pascal (Delphi): t12dll.dpr
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- library t12dll;
- uses
- Windows,
- Messages;
- {$R *.RES}
- const
- IName = 'Resource Tuner Demo PlugIn';
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Prototype of function which allocates memory.
- //
- // Used only to return results to Resource Tuner.
- // All other memory allocation should use standard library calls.
- //
- // Rather than being permanently loaded into memory, the plug-in uses this
- // function at run-time, to request a buffer of the necessary size from
- // ResTuner where the plug-in can store the results of an operation. The
- // plug-in does not need to clear the input buffer, or de-allocate the space
- // after use, as these tasks are performed by Resource Tuner.
- //
- // Input : Size - DWORD
- // - Size of requested memory
- // OutPut: Pointer
- // - The pointer to allocated memory. In case of failure
- // when allocating memory returns nil.
- type
- PMemoryAllocator = ^TMemoryAllocator;
- TMemoryAllocator = function (Size: DWORD): Pointer; stdcall;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CallBack Events
- const
- evID_PostLogInfo = 0;
- // The prototype of the function, used by Plug-in to inform Resource Tuner of various
- //events that have occurred at run time.
- //
- // IMPORTANT: Currently, only 'Post data to log' is supported.
- // For compatibility with future versions of Resource Tuner, use
- //
- // Input : None
- // Output: dwPGIID - DWORD
- // - Interface ID. It is used to uniquely specify a particular event
- // issued by the plug-in if several functions are executing at
- // the same time.
- //
- // IMPORTANT: Only the Interface ID values received from Resource Tuner
- // should be used.
- //
- // dwEventID - DWORD
- // - Identifier of the occurred event.
- //
- // pcMessage - Pointer
- // - Pointer to the data that is necessary to transmit to Resource Tuner.
- //
- type
- PPGICallBack = ^TPGICallBack;
- TPGICallBack = procedure (dwPGIID: DWORD; dwEventID: DWORD; pcMessage: PChar); stdcall;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The structure by which interaction with Resource Tuner is achieved.
- // ATTENTION! Under no circumstances should you modify the values marked as
- // Read Only! Changing these values may adversely affect the operation
- // of the program.
- type
- PPGIParamsBlock = ^TPGIParamsBlock;
- TPGIParamsBlock = record
- pMemAllocator : PMemoryAllocator; // The address of the procedure
- // allocating memory. The procedure
- // is required for de-allocating
- // memory correctly after use.
- pCallBack : Pointer; // Pointer to CallBack function.
- pInBuff : Pointer; // Pointer to input buffer.
- pOutBuff : Pointer; // Pointer to output buffer.
- // Filled by plug-in if execution of
- // the function was successful.
- dwInSize : DWORD; // Size of input buffer.
- dwOutSize : DWORD; // Size of output buffer.
- // Filled by plug-in if execution of
- // the function was successful.
- dwInterface : DWORD; // Interface ID. Read Only!
- dwIndex : DWORD; // Index. (For internal use by ResTuner).
- // Read Only!
- end;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The function executed prior to beginning data processing by Resource Tuner.
- // This function provides a generic means to perform any startup processing.
- // In the body of this function it is possible, for example, to place the code
- // to unpack any packed files, and transmit them to Resource Tuner for further
- // processing.
- //
- // Input: - the function receives PPGIParamsBlock and uses values sent to it.
- // Output: - returns True if execution was successful, otherwise it returns
- // False.
- //
- function PexPreloadImage(pPGIPB: PPGIParamsBlock): Boolean; stdcall;
- const
- DemoMessage1 = 'Emulating Execution...';
- DemoMessage2 = 'Allocating memory ...';
- DemoMessage3 = 'Copy InBuff to OutBuff...';
- DemoMessage4 = 'Runtime error: PexPreloadImage';
- var MA : TMemoryAllocator;
- CB : TPGICallBack;
- begin
- // We have to return True if success and False in all
- // other cases (error occurred, haven't found data we can work with).
- Result := False;
- // Getting pointer to CallBack function
- @CB := pPGIPB.pCallBack;
- // Getting pointer to function that allocates memory
- @MA := pPGIPB.pMemAllocator;
- // Emulating execution of the function
- try
- // Posting an event to the log.
- if (@CB <> nil) then
- CB(pPGIPB.dwInterface, evID_PostLogInfo, PChar(DemoMessage1));
- // Place your code here. For example, we will move input buffer to
- // output buffer.
- //
- //***************************************************************************
- // Posting an event to the log.
- if (@CB <> nil) then
- CB(pPGIPB.dwInterface, evID_PostLogInfo, PChar(DemoMessage2));
- // Asking Resource Tuner for allocating memory, and filling out the required
- //fields in the structure.
- pPGIPB.pOutBuff := MA(pPGIPB.dwInSize);
- pPGIPB.dwOutSize := pPGIPB.dwInSize;
- // Moving data from one buffer to another.
- System.Move(pPGIPB.pInBuff^, pPGIPB.pOutBuff^, pPGIPB.dwInSize);
- // Posting an event to the log.
- if (@CB <> nil) then
- CB(pPGIPB.dwInterface, evID_PostLogInfo, PChar(DemoMessage3));
- // Everything is OK
- Result := True;
- //***************************************************************************
- //
- except
- // An error occurred while executing. Posting an event to the log.
- if (@CB <> nil) then
- CB(pPGIPB.dwInterface, evID_PostLogInfo, PChar(DemoMessage4));
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Optional procedure.
- //
- // If this procedure is present, Resource Tuner adds an entry titled "Plug-ins -
- // About <Name>" to the menu. The name is obtained by Resource Tuner when the
- // plug-in is registered. This menu options allows infomormation about the
- // plug-in to be displayed to the user.
- //
- procedure PexAboutPlugIn; Export; StdCall;
- var S : String;
- begin
- // Place your code that displays 'About' info here.
- // We are just showing MessageBox.
- //***************************************************************************
- S := IName + '.' + #$0D#$0A +'Version 1.0';
- Windows.MessageBox(0, PChar(S), PChar('About'), MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The procedure called at Plug-in registration.
- //
- // This should return to Resource Tuner a pointer to the line, which contains the
- // plug-in name. Resource Tuner uses this to associate the plug-in with any menu
- // items and events it provides.
- //
- // IMPORTANT: The line should not be empty. The plug-in will not be registered
- // if an empty line is given.
- //
- procedure PexRegisterPlugIn(var N: PChar); Export; StdCall;
- begin
- N := PChar(IName);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- exports
- PexRegisterPlugIn index 1,
- PexAboutPlugIn index 2,
- PexPreloadImage index 3;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- begin
- end.